Axiom Economics is an economic consulting firm that specialises in the provision of expert and strategic advice on competition, economic regulation, third party access, commercial disputes and policy issues.
Each member of our trans-Tasman team has more than fifteen years of experience advising on matters where the provision of clear, robust and compelling advice is vital to our clients’ interests. These clients include both small and large corporations, competition authorities, regulatory and rule making bodies, industry bodies, governments and law firms. Our economists have submitted expert reports to competition, regulatory and litigation forums and provided evidence in commercial disputes.
The sectors in which our economists have operated include the energy, mining, natural resources, telecommunications, transportation, water and waste water, manufacturing, retailing, e-commerce, payment networks and insurance sectors. Our expertise in these areas has been called upon by a range of clients operating in Australia, New Zealand and the broader Asia-Pacific region.
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+61 420 278 101
PO Box 334, Petersham NSW, 2049
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+64 212 664 884
PO Box 5405 Victoria St West,
Auckland 1142
Our economists have more than 15 years’ experience working on competition, regulation, third party access, commercial disputes and policy issues.
Axiom Economics can be retained to provide independent expert and strategic advice across a number of practice areas and a range of sectors.
Our Work
Some of the more recent publicly available documents prepared by Axiom Economics’ experts can be obtained by clicking on the link provided below.
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Please get in touch if you would like to receive more information about Axiom Economics. A contact form can be obtained by clicking on the link below.